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- Paraguay is a bilingual country, unique in the world where a native language, the Guaraní, is recognized as an official national language together with Spanish. This cultural blend is seen in Paraguay's forms of arts, crafts, music, festivals, literature, cinema, fashion and languages. Paraguayan culture and traditions were highly influenced by the presence of Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries in the 17th and 18th centuries, which left magnificent architectural constructions and sculptures that created the Spanish-Guarani baroque culture. In the Paraguayan people, indigenous and Spanish influences converge equally, which makes Paraguay a country of peculiar customs such as the love of yerba mate and the deep knowledge of natural medicine.
- Handcrafts

- The diversity of cultures in Paraguay is reflected in their crafts. From the indigenous tradition, beautiful work is carried out in natural fibers, noble woods, seeds and feathers that become beautiful tapestries, baskets, necklaces, arrows and other articles of excellent completion. Paraguayan handicrafts also offer delicate textiles such as a'o po'í embroidery and ñandutí lace, gold and silver filigree jewelry, carved horn vessels, hammocks, blankets, wood carved images, ceramic objects and Infinity of other articles in which the creativity and the skill of the Paraguayan craftsmen stand out.
- Paraguayan Music and Dance

- The Paraguayan music is very particular, although Paraguay is the only country in South America where the majority of the inhabitants speak the language of the native origin; its music is totally of European origin. The most popular instruments are the harp and the guitar, the Paraguayan harp is well known throughout the world. Its genres are Guarania and polka. The first one is characterized by a slow melody that was created by the Paraguayan Musician, Jose Asunción Flores in the 1920s and the second one, because of its rapid and lively melody, is generally used for the traditional dances. The Paraguayan traditional dance can be danced in pairs or in a group of women called "galoperas". Another typical dance is the dance of the bottle, where the main dancer dances with up to 10 bottles in her head one over another.
- Gastronomy

- The typical Paraguayan food is the result of the combination of Hispanic culinary techniques with the use of native products introduced by guaraníes such as corn, cassava, and legumes, and others introduced by the Spanish, such as vegetables, rice and beef. The basic ingredient of Paraguayan cuisine is corn, which is used for the elaboration of different typical dishes. The most emblematic dish in Paraguayan cuisine is the "Sopa Paraguaya", which is a mixture of corn flour with eggs, fresh cheese, onion and curdled milk. Other traditional maize-based foods are chipá, mbejú and chipá guasú. Also, beef is present in most typical Paraguayan dishes such as Chipá So'o, Soyo, Asado, Locro and others.
- Mate Tea and Tereré

- In Paraguay, the yerba mate is consumed in three different ways, the first is "mate", which consists in drinking the yerba mate with hot water and sucking the infusion through a "bombilla" (Paraguayan traditional straw); the second, "mate cocido", is a tea that is prepared with hot water and burnt yerba mate. The third is the most popular and authentically Paraguayan; it is the "tereré", which is a cold or ice mate. In Paraguay, people usually drink the tereré in groups, among relatives, friends or with occasional visitors. This drink is common heritage of all Paraguayans, men, and women, rich, poor, old and young, all Paraguayans are equally fanatics of this drink.
- Tourism

- Paraguay, a country of roads
- Paraguay maintains the privilege of conserving its great natural attractions, which are mixed with historical and cultural relics and great technological works such as the hydroelectric dams of Itaipú and Yacyreta.
- The Franciscan and Handcraft Way is a path that follows the footsteps of the Franciscans who founded open villages in many cities in Paraguay, leaving behind valuable works of art. The route, which also allows to know the artisans in their own towns, part from Asunción and leads to Ypané, Altos, Itá, Atyrá, Yaguarón, Piribebuy, Tobatí, Caacupé, Luque, Valenzuela, Villarrica, Caazapá, Areguá, Itauguá and San Juan de Nepomuceno.

- The Technological Tourism take you to the most important sites in which are located the huge hydroelectric dams of Itaipú in Hernandarias (to the East of the country) and Yacyretá dam in Ayolas (to the South), as well as the Technological Park of Itaipú.
- The Immense Territory of the Paraguayan Chaco includes an impressive array of natural landscapes brimming with animal life. Palmares, estuos, lagoons and dense forests make up these lands, where a small number of immigrants and fourteen native ethnic groups contribute to the diversity of cultures in the country.

- Paraguay is a Country of Fishing, Golf and other Sports. Tourists can enjoy of five internationally recognized and regulated golf courses, while the mighty Paraguay, Paraná, Tebicuary and others rivers provide variety and quantity of fish for sport fishermen.
- Eco-adventure is another type of tourism that can be done in Paraguay. Its mountain ranges, streams and jumps offer ideal conditions for biking, rappeling, cascading, trekking and other stimulating disciplines for young people and tourist who love natural resources and adventures. The Mbaracayú Forest, the Ybytyryzú Mountain Range and the Vallemí Caverns are some of the favorite destinations for eco-adventures.

For more information please visit the website of the National Secretariat of Tourism of Paraguay SENATUR
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